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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Sunflower Class


Your class teacher is Miss Smith.

Qamile Rashica is our Teaching Assistant and we also have Jo Butler and Rebecca Goodheart in the mornings and Laura Stone in the afternoons.

PE is on a Tuesday 


Hello everyone!

Well here we are it’s the last half term of the year.....its flown by!

We have had an amazing year with all your children and are so pleased with the progress each one of them has made. Their school reports will be coming to you at the end of this term so you can see for yourself how much progress they have made.

This half term our topic/theme is 'Super Stories'.

The adventures of Stanley Lambchop after he is squashed flat by a pin board, while sleeping. A Superhero on a mission! It teaches children about teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of being brave and standing up for what is right.
An adventure about going to the moon. A funny rhyming story

Non-fiction books -

'My First Book of Planets' and 'Summer' - learning about the season of Summer.

We are also busy getting the children ready to move into Year One.
They will be visiting and meeting the Year One teachers this half term. This will help them transition smoothly but we will be sad to see them go!
Please make sure if the day is hot and sunny that your child has sun cream applied and wears a hat....they do like to spend a lot of their school day in the gardens!


You can find out what your child has been up to at school by logging onto their Learning journey at Tapestry. Lots of you do this already and I am very pleased when I see your comments about our observations of your child’s learning. Please feel free to upload your own observations and photos or videos to their journal so I can see what they get up to when they are not in school! 


Miss Smith

What are we doing this half term?

Master the Curriculum - Maths Summer Overview


Please ensure your child has all their uniform, coats, P.E. kit and bags labelled clearly.  Thank you.


School lunch 

All children in Year 0 are entitled to a free school meal.

The menu is designed and cooked from fresh by our experienced catering staff every day. The menu runs on a 3 week timetable and can be found here.

School Meals 

Every child is entitled to lunch and it is a good social and learning experience for the children as well as saving you making a packed lunch every day!

The Early Years staff have lunch with the children to encourage tasting and eating a variety of foods and good table manners.


Please come and ask any member of the Early Years staff anything you are unsure of. Every morning there is a member of staff at the gate that you can speak to. If it is something more detailed you can make an appointment to see the teacher after school.  





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