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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 4H

Your class teacher is Mrs Hall. 

and John, Danielle and Lucy will be working with us this year.

PE days are Mondays and Tuesday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.


Please remember to bring a small, healthy snack into school (no nuts please!) and a drink (water only please), preferably in a named, reusable bottle.


Welcome back and we are looking forward to a fun and exciting 2nd half of the summer term.


Our topic this term is: Mountains, volcanoes and Earthquakes.


Our class book for the term is The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy.


In the first few weeks of this term, the year 4 children need to sit a government based SATS styled test based on the times tables up to 12. 
Please can we ask you to encourage your children to practice using TT Rock stars at home as much as possible.  Quick recall of times tables is a superskill for life!


In Literacy we will be basing out writing on the book The Worst Witch and writing descriptive scene writing and also learning about writing dialogue for a play script.


In Numeracy we will be learning about time, money and shape.


In Science we will be learning about famous scientists.


In Geography we will be learning about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. 


In Music we will continue to learn the Ukulele and we will be taking part in an exciting musical project based on all things Brazilian.


In Reading we will be looking at inference, summarising, vocabulary, and sequencing activities.


In Art: We will be learning about sculpture techniques along with studying some famous sculpture artists.


In PSHE: We will be looking at Living in the wider world.


In RE: We be learning about pilgrimages.


In French:  The Olympics.


In Design and Technology: Fastenings and finishing making our book jackets.


In Oracy:  How to make sophisticated vocabulary choices.


Please continue to encourage your child to do their weekly maths homework, read for at least 10 minutes every night, learn their weekly spellings and practise their times tables.



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