Welcome to Class 6S
Your class teacher is Ms Silcock.
Our teaching assistants Louise Grenham and Sarah Hadgraft will be working with us in the classroom.
PE days We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Welcome back! Hopefully you’re all well rested and pleased to be starting your final year at Westborough. We have a busy first half term lined up so here’s a list of the topics covered for your enjoyment!
- Please try to get to school by 8.20am, ready to start at 8.40.
- Swimming will start on Monday 9th September... you will be told which week you will be swimming.
- Homework will begin in a couple of weeks, but you should be reading daily, practising TTRockstars and doing your Spelling Shed homework weekly.
We will be sharing...
ENGLISH: Newspaper report and narrative
MATHS: Place Value to 1,000,000; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
SCIENCE: Animals including humans
HISTORY: Edwardian attitudes towards working people and Titanic
MUSIC: Happy
PSHE: Relationships
ART: Sculpture
D.T: To research, design and make a three course meal
FRENCH: Regular Verbs
R.E: What difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa, Grace and Ummah?