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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 6S

Your class teacher is Ms Silcock.

Jo Goode will be working with us too.

 PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 6 are embarking on their final few weeks at Westborough and it will be a busy and exciting time for all of us.

Some important dates...


Tuesday 11th   Borough Sports   Good luck to all those representing Westborough School for the final time!

Monday 17th    Please dress smartly as it’s Year 6 leavers photos

Tuesday 18th    Our trip to Call of the Wild. We are also hoping to take the children on other local trips (weather and behavior permitting)


Thursday 4th last clubs.

Saturday 13th the Summer Fayre

Monday 15th is Open Afternoon 3.15-4.30pm.

Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th  the Year 6 Production - "Cinderella and Rockerfella"   Times to be confirmed.

Monday 22nd July - Leavers' Assembly and Year 6 Prom.

In addition, we will be preparing for the transition to secondary school.

Year 6 curriculum Summer 2


English   Reading and writing  

The Alchemist’s Letter and  Skellig by   David Almond.      Also  Wolves in the Wall by Neil Gaiman

Description, emotive language, similes, metaphors, pathetic fallacy 


Maths  proportion problems, quizzes, reasoning, transitional maths


Science   Electricity


History   People whose ideas changed the world.


Geography   Galapagos Islands     Wild areas in the UK


PSHE   Recap  RSE


Art   Printing


DT   BBC microbits     STEM project; electrically- powered (batteries) model cars


MFL   Moi Dans Le MondeCompuing


PE  Mr Funa


ICT     BBC microbits linked to STEM project


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