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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 1HS

Your class teachers are Mrs Holborn & Mrs Snarey.

We have PE on a Monday and Thursday; please ensure children wear their PE kits to school on PE days.


BACK TO SCHOOL - for the Summer Term.


 In English, we will be reading Julian is a Mermaid and The Sea Saw. We
will be working on using question marks and exclamation marks, writing
poetry and also a letter or a postcard.
 In Maths, we will be learning about position and direction, counting to 100
and learning about money and time.
In Science, we will be learning about plants and the living world around us
along with the changes in the seasons as we move from Spring to Summer.

In History, we will be learning about Southend and the pier and how it has
changed since Victorian times. This will also include an exciting trip to the
pier and the pier museum.
In PSHE, we are learning about money and why we use it. We are also learning
about keeping safe from harmful substances in the home.

In Design and Technology, we will be planning, making and evaluating fruit
and vegetable kebabs.
In Art, we will be learning how to use collage and also printing to create
images or flowers inspired by the artist Georgia O’Keaffe.
In Music, we are going to review and consolidate all of the skills and
knowledge we have covered this year.


Thank you for supporting your child with their reading at home by hearing them read and sharing stories with them.   Please make sure your child brings their books to school every day so we can hear them read and change their books. 


Reminder:  we start our day at 8:20 with fun early morning activities to settle into the school day. We would love to see as many of you here as possible at this time to have a great start to the school day. 


Mrs Holborn and Mrs Snarey



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