Welcome to Class 3GF
Your class teachers are Miss Goode and Mrs Fox
PE Days are Mondays and Thursdays. Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days.
Welcome back to our busy half term.
Maths - we will be learning about multiplication and division, and learning the 4 and 8 times tables.
English - We will be reading the story The Wild way home by Sophie Kirtley and writing a character description.

Science - Children will explore different rocks and soils. They will classify and group together rocks based on their appearance as well as their physical properties. They will learn how the Earth is made up of different rocks and fossils and begin to explain how some of the different rocks are formed. Children will also learn about fossils, what they are and how they are formed in rock.
Re - We will be learning about the muslim Faith, the five pillars of Islam, Prayer, Ramadan and Eid.
Design and Technology - We will be learning the features of a castle and building our own castle using cardboard and nets.
History - We are learning about the stone age , tools, houses, Bronze age and the Iron age.
French - we are learning about different fruits.
Please remember to read at home for at least 10 to 15 mins. Once you have read 15 times you win a prize!.
Please bring your homework in on Fridays.
We use Tapestry in year 3. Click on the button to find out more.