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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 3GF

Your class teachers are Miss Goode and Mrs Fox


PE Days are  Wednesdays and Thursdays


Welcome back to school after a warm, fabulous summer!


Your teachers are ready to welcome you back to your new classrooms.
Don't forget to read frequently at home and practise 'Times Tables Rockstars', which you will be introduced to by your teachers. You will also be introduced to EDSHED, where you will be able to practise your spellings for the week.
We will be reading .....
Fantastic Mr Fox, by Roald Dahl
We will be learning...
Maths - Place value , partitioning numbers, Adding and Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers,
Numbers to 1000.
English - Recording new vocabulary (Taken from Fantastic Mr Fox), retrieving information, write a newspaper report, and a persuasive letter.
Science - Magnets and Forces, building on knowledge of forces and how a magnetic force works.
Geography - The children will be considering the question, 'How can our food choices impact the environment?'. The children will look at Fair Trade and where their food comes from.
R.E. - Following the ways of a God - what is it that you do when following a particular religion, stories from the Christian Bible.
Art - Pablo Picasso - experiencing tone, light and shade, pencil portraits and digital/ contorted portraits.
D.T. - Food from around the world.

We use Tapestry in year 3.  Click on the button to find out more.



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