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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Daisy Class

Your class teacher is Miss Lane.

Our teaching assistant is Vicki Maitland.  Jo Butler and Rebecca Goodheart work with us in the mornings and Laura Stone in the afternoons.  

We have PE on Tuesdays.


We are nearly at the end of the year and what a great year we have had together.

You have all grown and developed since starting school. We have achieved a lot this year, as well as having a lot of fun together. You should all be very proud of yourselves! We are very proud of you and how much you have achieved. 


We will start our transition visits to Year one, where the children will be visiting their new classroom environments as well as their new teachers.  We will be sad to see you go, but this will ensure a smooth transition and we will still see you all! 


Please remember to wear your summer hat and also to apply suncream before school, as the children like to spend a lot of time in the gardens. 


I look forward to another great half term with you all.

Miss Lane

This half term our topic/theme is 'Super Stories'.


The adventures of Stanley Lambchop after he is squashed flat by a pin board, while sleeping. A Superhero on a mission! It teaches children about teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of being brave and standing up for what is right.
An adventure about going to the moon. A funny rhyming story

Non-fiction books -

'My First Book of Planets' and 'Summer' - learning about the season of Summer.


You can find out what your child has been up to at school by logging onto their Learning journey at Tapestry. Lots of you do this already and I am very pleased when I see your comments about our observations of your child’s learning. Please feel free to upload your own observations and photos or videos to their journal so I can see what they get up to when they are not in school! 

What are we doing this half term?

Master the Curriculum - Maths Summer Overview


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