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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 3K

Your class teacher is Mr Khan.


PE Days are Wednesdays and Thursdays


Please be in school promptly everyday, keen and ready to start work.


Welcome back to the last half term of your child's year 3.  Please keep reading and practising their times tables as the children will definitely need to know them in Year 4.

The following books will be at the center of our learning. 








In English we will be writing a newspaper report, looking at the differences between factual and fiction writing. Using subheadings and all of the grammar and features of writing we have learnt this year. 
In Maths we will be looking at time, shapes and statistics.
In Science Light and shadows.
In Geography we will be looking at the physical structure of the earth including the Core and Plate tectonics and how/why mountains and rivers are formed.
In Art the children will be adapting digital images and finally produce their own mixed media images.
In Music the children will continue their listening to and copying notes on the Glockenspiel.
In French they will be learning about 'The Cafe'.
In PSHE the children will be looking at the emergency services, naming body parts and learning how to be resilient.
The children will also be learning a poem and a song to perform with their class at the summer fair.


We use Tapestry in year 3.  Click on the button to find out more.




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