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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 2S

Your class teacher is Mrs Stoneman.  

Our Teaching Assistants, Shannon, Megan and Kayleigh, will be working with us too.

PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays


Welcome back to the second part of the Autumn term!  We are very excited to be studying these interesting units of work. 


Literacy- Non- Chronological report (Christopher Columbus) 


Numeracy- Addition and subtraction (using numbers to 100)     and Shape


History- Significant people and events. ( Guy Fawkes and Remembrance Sunday.)   Explorers (Christopher Colombus)


Christopher Columbus, explorer and navigator.

Science- Animals including humans. That basic needs for survival and that humans and animals produce offspring. 


French- Seasons


R.E- Why do we celebrate special times? Diwali, Christmas.


Please continue to hear your child read each night. Your child has online homework set each week on Ed Shed (spellings) and Numbots (Maths) too. 



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