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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Daisy Class

Your class teacher is Miss Lane.

Our teaching assistant is Vicki Maitland.  Jo Butler and Rebecca Goodheart work with us in the mornings and Laura Stone in the afternoons.  

We have PE on Tuesdays.


Welcome back to school for the Summer Term.

This half term we are looking at growing.

We will find out how plants grow and how we grow. We will look at how we take care of a plant and find out what it needs to grow.

We will be thinking about being healthy and finding out about the world around us.


In Maths we are counting beyond 10 as well as adding and taking away from numbers beyond ten and ordering these numbers. 

We will also be recapping our 2D shape knowledge – we will be looking at shape patterns and how to rotate 2D shapes to complete a pattern.


We will be looking at healthy eating, how to be healthy and exploring different activities to reinforce this learning - including trying different fruits and vegetables. 


We will be learning about different life cycles - including the life cycle of a plant, butterfly and also ourselves. 


In history we will be ordering our own baby, toddler and pictures of ourselves now - to make our own timelines. We will talk about our own history - looking and talking about the changes that we have noticed as we have grown and the aspects of ourselves that have changed as we are growing.


In Literacy We will be using our phonics knowledge to write our own interpretations of the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, as well as, labelling and naming different parts of a flower and different bugs. 

We will be continuing our Read Write inc lessons – please encourage your child to read at home as much as they can and learn their red words, as this will reinforce and secure what they are learning in their daily lessons.


Our Class Books for this half term are...

In Art we will be learning about colour mixing and how different colours can be combined to make new colours and also different shades.

We will be continuing learning about textures using seeds to make patterns in playdough.

Digital Media – we are learning about the technique digital media – We will be using a choice of flower to learn about and explore digital media.


This half term we have started our class Dojo reward system, in line with the school values – ask your child how many Dojo’s they have and what they did to achieve them.


I just want to take this opportunity to say well done to all of the children in Daisy class for trying your best and being super stars.


Have a look on Tapestry to see photos of what we have been learning and the final products!


I look forward to another great term with you all.


Miss Lane

Master the Curriculum - Maths Spring Overview


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