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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School

Bluebell Class

Welcome back to a new half term in Nursery.


Your Early Years Lead Practitioner is Miss Grimes  and Teaching Assistants GerriLaura, Rabia and Sammie  will also be working with Bluebell Class.

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Watch out this half term for The Very Hungry Caterpillar!






In Maths
- we will be looking at numbers,  sequencing them and thinking about more than and less than.
- we will also investigate 2D and 3D shapes - e.g. square, cube, circle, sphere and more
We will use positional language - over, under, in front of, behind, next to. . . .


We will be learning more sounds this term.

u   b   f   e   l   h   r   v   y   w  z   x

Knowledge and understanding of the world. 

We will be growing, observing and drawing plants.

We will also be exploring the different properties of materials, hard, soft, stretchy, waterproof etc

We will look at shadows and light sources indoors and outdoors


Our special class book for this half term is The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We will look at the food he eats and taste it too.

We are going to be sewing a caterpillar.

We will find out about the life cycle of a butterfly and other insects. 
We will also be sharing The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

We will continue to experiment with paint.  We will find out what happens when we mix colours.  We will try using brushes on different types of paper to see  what happens.

We are going to make puzzles using our own faces. 



Children bring in their own snacks and drinks. Please remember that we are a nut free school so please make sure your child's snack is nut free. If sending in grapes, please cut them longways. Milk is provided for the children if they want it.

Spare clothes

Please remember to always have spare clothes in your child's bag in case they need changing.

Please ensure that all clothing and bags are labelled clearly.


We add photos to tapestry every 2 weeks and also put important information and requests on there. If you have any problems logging on and accessing this, please see a member of staff. Feel free to like and add comments about the photos and also upload any exciting or special things that your child has been doing at home.

Please come and speak to a member of the nursery staff if there is anything you are not sure about or if you have any concerns.

Thank you!

Miss Grimes and the Nursery Team.


Learning in the nursery




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