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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Westborough Staff supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities.

SENCO - Ms Rohana Forbes

Learning Support Assistants allocated to SEN pupils at SEN Support

Learning Support Assistants allocated to pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Statutory SEND Policies


Returning to school after an absence - Social, Emotional and Mental Health.

Some helpful links.....

Ruby’s Worry


Breathing techniques 


I can calm myself down


Click on the links below for more information about the way The Westborough School Offer supports pupils with:

....cognition needs

....communication and interaction needs

....physical or sensory needs

....social, emotional and mental health  (SEMH) needs

A provision Map is produced annually to indicate all support and interventions and a document is produced which indicates interventions for this academic year aimed at pupil's with SEN.


The Expert Parent's Guide to Childhood Anxietyhttp://www.southendinfopoint.org/kb5/southendonsea/asch/home.page




Southend SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).




Southend Information, Advice & Support Service

A leaflet regarding the Southend Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) is available from the school front office.  

IASS is a free service for Southend children and young people (0-25 years).  The service supports parents of children with and/or young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND) and/or disabilities and covers the following areas:
  - Education, health and social care 
  - National and local policy
  - The Local Offer
  - Your rights and choices
  - Your opportunities to participate
  - Where you can find help and advice
  - How you can access support

Outside Agencies involvement for pupils with SEN

Educational Psychology Services

Speech, Language and Communication Therapists

School Nursing Services

Specialist Teacher for deaf pupils

Specialist Teacher for pupils with Visual Impairments

Paediatric Services

Advisory Teacher for pupils with Statements of SEN for alternative curriculum  work

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Services

Individual Support Plans (ISPS) for children on SEND support

Reviews for pupils are carried out twice annually and are attended by Teachers and Learning Support Assistants, parents, pupil and outside agencies where appropriate. Progress is also reviewed twice annually (by the class teacher) at the Parents Consultation Evening.

Learning from the previous ISP is carried out and celebrated

Annual Reviews for pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan

These reviews take place every 10 months and often involve outside agencies who are invited to attend.

A review of learning and progress is carried out so that new targets can run for the next 10 months. Assessments brought to the review are as for SEN Support as stated above. The child's and parents' views are taken into account. Teachers, Learning Support Assistants, Parents and the Local Authority receive a copy of the Annual Review Report.


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